Monday, June 13, 2016

The Democratic Party from Inside.

When an election arrives to the point where there are only two candidates running against each other, they must pick their vice presidents, or "running mate." This commentary was made by Eileen Rivers to USA Today, it is titled Punchlines: For Democrats, an all female ticket? This is one of the "Punchline" videos that USA Today has been releasing, and on this particular video, Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert jokes about our candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The overall picture is that candidates now have the task to pick a vice president, or running mate, and the Democratic Party is encouraging Hillary to choose Elizabeth Warren. This is a commentary on the democratic attitude towards not only electing a woman as a president, but also as a vice president. They referred to the democratic decision as "an all-female ticket."

This commentary made think about what might be going on within the Democratic Party. Nowadays, the push towards helping minorities “get there” is much stronger than it was ever before. The United States finally legalized gay marriage nationwide, and the number of feminists keep growing every day. Moreover, we just had the very first African American president in the history of the United States. President Obama has a character and seems very bold and still with his government, in other words, his presidency was consistent with his political ideas and he did not show conflicts with congress. The Democratic Party must know that the next president must have at least the comparable boldness that President Obama has, because congress is mostly Republican, their acceptance of Democratic policies are not easily passed. If the Democratic Party wants a victory in this election, their candidates must be polite, and know how to work with both sides as Obama did. The President must satisfy Congress, their Political Party, and the American public. Personally, I believe that Hillary Clinton has had a lot of scandals and those may influence the way congress might look at her. If elected, she will have to be very bold and serious about her policies.

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