Thursday, June 23, 2016

Conflicts Between Parties and the Hierarchical Structure of The House of Representatives (Blog II)

Posterior to the Orlando shooting on June 12, Democrats have been trying to pass a bill that would let the attorney general on two of the FBI’s most serious terrorist watch lists from being able to buy guns. Democrats in the House of Representatives are now participating in a sit in to gain a vote that will send the bill to the Senate. There was a fifteen hour filibuster in the Senate with the same goal.

This one article from Times is titled Democratic Sit-In on Gun Control Law Could Last for Days and according to it, the sit-in might go on through the Fourth of July weekend. According to this source, the sit-in started on Wednesday due to the lack of votes on the possible new bill. Democrats kept giving speeches and showing off faces of victims until Thursday morning. Their ultimate goals was to have Speaker Paul Ryan to allow a vote on a law that will keep terrorist suspects from buying guns. The Speaker of the house argues that the bill has already failed in the Senate, but his argument does not keep Democrats from both the lower house and senate to continue the sit-in. Cameras were turned off in the House of Representatives which led to Democrats live streaming their sit-in through social media. Republicans retrieved from the house and adjourned it, they said that the house will remain adjourned until July 5.

This is a very interesting article because it shows a conflict between the two parties, and it allows the public to better understand the hierarchical system that exists in the House.

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